Donnerstag, 28. Juli 2016

kalmar / öland area / day 8

On our way to Stockholm we decided to stay in Kalmar. 

Well, we spendes a long time in a traffic jam caused by an accident.

Öland is beautiful. Reminds me of Rügen but with less traffic.

Briska tastes like elder lemonade. But has 4.5% alc that you really don't taste...
Kalmar is a pretty city. And offers rabbit hunting 😈
Visiting an IKEA in Sweden:  Check.

Very tasty Inian fusion kitchen in Kalmar:

Impressions so far: South Sweden feels like Rügen of you are at the coastline. If you go landward, it reminds me of Bavaria. Clean. But less populated.
The more you go north, the more Sweden can be compared with parts of USA. I will come back to this idea later...

Mittwoch, 27. Juli 2016

Ystad, Day 6/7

We chose Ystad in south Sweden as a base camp for two days.

Beautiful beaches...

 Perfect for swimming and running...

Visiting "Ales Stenar",  kind of Swedish Stonehendge:

The stone formation was propably used as a calendar.
Today,  the nearby cliff is used by para gliders...

Of course this is not a risk free 

Thanks to Holger,  we tried the princesstarta.  Well,  it was too good to be safe until the foto was made...
The others were the Caesar cake and a Schwarzwald cake.  Nothing in common with the real Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte.  But very tasty.  Location: Café Maria in Ystad. 

Proof of child friendly Sweden: Even in churches there are areas for kids..

Very up to date signs at the church entrance:

Malmö, Day 5

On this day we visited Malmö.  
That's less than an hour away from Copenhagen,  just across the (gigantic) bridge. 

Some impressions from the castle park and garden:

 Very tasty bread with fish or shrimps. A must.

More photos from the  City center:

Graffiti art in Malmö :

Veeery bike friendly: bike stands with rain protection:

Copenhagen, Day 4

We choosed the bridges instead of ferries to Copenhagen...
 Party,  guests and neigbors in Christianshavn.  A quater of Copenhagen with partial independent status.

We decided to eat at Bror.  It's runned by former Sous-chefs of the Noma.

Food was solid and tasty. But not overwhealming. Wine pairing was perfect. 

Hamburg amendment

Ehhh. Ok...

Freitag, 22. Juli 2016

Impressions from Hamburg / Day 2 and 3

First of all, thanks to Daniela and Wolf, our lovely hosts:

Where we stayed two nights:

Good morning, Hamburg !

Great food at the Oberhafenkantine:
Eating a Hamburger in Hamburg - check !

Landungsbrücke 10 - Very tasty Matjes:

Our first real Sitesleeping Photo at the Landungsbrücken:

The new Elbphilharmonie:

Blankenese Beach:

Hide-out in Hamburg ;-)

Hopefully nothing important....