Sonntag, 15. Februar 2015

Chena Hot Springs Ice Museum

About an hour east of Fairbanks we visited Chena Hot Springs.
It is also only 5 miles away from the Yukon Quest checkpoint Milepost 101.
The first mushers are expected in approx. 1-2 days.
But today we came for the ice.

A lot of Asian tourists visit Chena. For the northern lights and more.
There are even tours in Japanese language...

Incredible ice art. The horses and knights are life-sized !

The sculptures change color every few seconds...

Another piece of art in life size...

They have also a bar...

...providing tasty cocktails in "glasses" made from ice.

They have rooms equipped with beds made from ice. They planned to
have people staying here during the night. But it didn'the work out...
 These are the two artists who create and maintain all oft this:

Creating the cocktail glasses....

Together the two world champions in ice art own 26 gold medals...

The ice come from the river nearby And is taken from there every spring.
The two layers are called Diamond (clear, from the river's water) and Marble(White, from the snow). 

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