About an hour east of Fairbanks we visited Chena Hot Springs.
It is also only 5 miles away from the Yukon Quest checkpoint Milepost 101.
The first mushers are expected in approx. 1-2 days.
But today we came for the ice.
A lot of Asian tourists visit Chena. For the northern lights and more. There are even tours in Japanese language... |
Incredible ice art. The horses and knights are life-sized ! |
The sculptures change color every few seconds... |
Another piece of art in life size... |
They have also a bar... |
...providing tasty cocktails in "glasses" made from ice. |
They have rooms equipped with beds made from ice. They planned to have people staying here during the night. But it didn'the work out... |
These are the two artists who create and maintain all oft this:
Creating the cocktail glasses.... |
Together the two world champions in ice art own 26 gold medals... |
The ice come from the river nearby And is taken from there every spring. The two layers are called Diamond (clear, from the river's water) and Marble(White, from the snow). |
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